Getting to know you

niERoLxiA Oh the ‘getting to know you stage’. You know what I’m talking about… when you and that person you have a crush on finally start to talk and get to know each other. You are continuously finding out new facts about the other. You just want to know everything about them; their favorite movie, favorite memory, favorite color, favorite animal. You are constantly wrapped up in the thought of them. It starts off slow but as you continue to grow closer it leads to those Good Morning texts, random “I’m thinking of you” messages, always wanting to reassure the person how much you like them. You lay in bed and they’re the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep. It’s like you are living in the beginning of a fairytale.

Isn’t this exactly how God wants our relationship to be with him?  He so deeply desires for us to think about him the moment we wake up until the moment we fall back asleep. He wants those prayers throughout the day. He wants to teach us all these amazing and breathtaking qualities he has. But way to often, people are so quick to move out of this  ‘getting to know you stage’ with God. The quiet times go from amazing encounters to another thing on a To-Do list, the worship goes from a time of intimacy to just another song we hear all the time, the praying goes from a way of communication to silence. Yikes… feel guilty? I know I sure do. But it is amazing, God offers second chances, third chances, fourth chances, even fifth chances, each and every day. It is never too late to start over with Him. He just wants to show you that love he has to offer. His love is far greater than anything this world can give us.

So that beloved  ‘getting to know you stage’? It never has to end. Francis Chan in his book “Crazy Love” says, “Not being able to fully understand God is frustrating but it is ridiculous for us to think we have the right to limit God so something we are capable of comprehending”. He goes on to compare us to a little soda can and God to a big ocean. We can’t scoop the whole ocean into our little soda can brains but God wants to fill us up to the very max that he can. What about the rest of those qualities we don’t know? What about those things we don’t understand? We could so easily stand here and focus on the things we don’t know, or we could bask in the blessings and love He has given us. Take advantage of those situation God places in your life so you can get to know him better.

With God it is the fact of the more you get to know him, the more you can love him. As you strive to know more about him you can find new ways to worship him, new ways to love him, find that he is on your mind and in your heart more than he ever used to be, and Psalm 63:6 can be a reflection of your life.

“I remember you while lying on my bed.
    I think about you in the middle of the night.”

So don’t be so quick to rush out of the ‘getting to know you stage.

Because before you know it, you’ll look back and realize you’ve fallen in love along the way.


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